White Bean Flour Recipes

Carrot Cake from Dr Akyol White Bean Flour


» 5 eggs

» 2 water glass sugar

» 1/2 water glass olive oil

» 1/2 water glass melted butter

» 2 water glass grated carrot

» 1 water glass coarse ground walnut

» 1 pack vanilla sugar

» 1 pack baking powder

» 3 water glass Dr Akyol White Bean Flour


Place the eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar into a bowl and stir them for 5 minutes, pour olive oil and butter over them and stir for 1 minute. Add walnut, baking powder and White Bean Flour into the mixture and stir till you get a homogeneous mixture. Pour the mixture into a cake mold greased and floured. Then bake it for 45-50 minutes in the preheated oven to 175 degrees C 

Muffin from Dr Akyol White Bean Flour


» 4 eggs

» 1/2 water glass sugar

» 1 water glass milk

» 1 water glass olive oil

» 1 water glass fine ground hazelnut

» 1 pack vanilla sugar

» 1 pack baking powder

» 1,5-2 water glass Dr Akyol White Bean Flour


Place eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar into a bowl and stir for 5 minutes. While stirring add milk, olive oil and hazelnut in turn. Then add White Bean Flour and baking powder, stir for 30 seconds. Pour the dough mixture into the muffin molds filling up 2/3 . Then bake it for 25-30 minutes in the preheated oven to 175 degrees C