Teff Flour Recipes

Teff Floury Pancake


» 2 eggs

» 2 table spoon honey

» 1 pack of vanilla

» 1/4 cup of oil

» 3/2 cup of milk

» 2 cup of Dr. Akyol Teff Flour

» 2 table spoon cocoa powder

» 3 table spoon chocolate drops

» 1 pack of baking powder


Put honey and eggs into a bowl and beat with a mixer until it becomes a creamy consistency. Pour the oil, milk and vanilla into the mixture and beat it again. Finally add the cocoa powder, chocolate drops, Dr. Akyol Teff Flour and baking powder. Then mix it well. Mixture should have the consistency of cake batter. Put a little oil over the pan and heat it. Pour the batter in small circles over the pan with a scoop.

Cook pancakes on low heat until small pockets are formed on the surface. With the help of a spatula, turn the pancakes and cook the other side in the same way. Repeat the process until the batter is finished.