Kinoa Flour Recipes

Quinoa Floury Bread


» 200 g of Dr. Akyol Quinoa Flour (3/2 cups)

» 60 g of soft butter

» 40 g of flaxseed (3 table spoon)

» 80 g of Dr. Akyol Chickpea Flour (4 table spoon)

» 1 zucchini (approximately 240 g)

» 4 eggs

» 1 coffee spoon baking powder

» 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

» 1/2 coffee spoon salt


Preheat the oven to °C 180. Cover a rectangular cake pan with 11x25 cm baking paper. Grate the zucchini finely, then salt and leave it for 10 minutes. Put the eggs, butter in a bowl, and blend them with a mixer. Squeeze out the excess water from the zucchini and add the zucchini to the mixture. Add all other dry ingredients and beat with a mixer until you get a homogeneous consistency. Pour the dough into the prepared mold and bake for about 60 minutes on the middle shelf of the preheated oven.